They are specifically made to clip onto dental implants, which would be permanently implanted in your mouth. Implants ensure your Winnipeg denture is no longer loose and will be completely stable, allowing you to chew and enjoy your favourite foods again. Think dentures over implants aren’t for you? See our other services.


  • Dentures are more secure and reliable than traditional dentures.
  • Dentures over implants remove sore spots and pressure points commonly associated with removable dentures.
  • Implant dentures are more comfortable to wear. They can often feel like real teeth.
1. Dental implants with snaps for a denture to be attached to.
2. Dental implants joined by a bar that the denture attaches to.
3. Denture is permanently attached to the dental implant by screws and can only be removed by a dental professional. (All on 4 or SmartFix)
4. Denture attached to dental implants by use of a tapered connection geometry (SynCone Concept) providing extremely secure retention however can be removed by patient for cleaning purposes.